If this was the the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today? This is a statement I live by. I actually have a sign above my work space that states it.
I do not recall where I came across this thought. But it is something that has stayed with me and something that I continuously measure my day by. This was further strengthened by a video I watched. It states that every human has roughly 28,835 days of life in them.
After watching this video, it strengthened my resolve of my posted sign and got me to think deeper. I calculated how many days I have been alive. The result? I have recently surpassed the 1/2 way point. Do you think I am going to waste or squander the time that I have? The one resource you spend and cannot get back?
This has caused me to really evaluate the time I spend doing anything. With a finite number of days in your life, do you really want to spend your time stressing or focused on thins that are not enjoyable, relevant or productive? I suggest you focus on what matters and just let the rest go. Take Control of Your Life. Don’t let life take control of you.