How would you like to get exactly what you want? Most people, when asked this question, would answer with an emphatic “yes”! When you read it, you probably thought “of course I would.” And, you, like many others, likely think about all of the bliss that would come with getting exactly what you want.
Now, what if I told you that when people have exactly what they want dropped into their lap, they become fearful, distrustful or both? I have personally witnessed people going into an investment meeting with a list of exactly what they would like to get and coming out with what they wanted and more. You would think that the feeling would be one of rejoicing. And, initially, it is. Then the conditioning of society sets in. The conditioning that tells you that getting exactly what you want is for fairy tales and movies. That is when the fear or distrust sets in.
You begin to think, what did I miss? What do they know that I don’t? How are they going to take advantage of me? I simply do not understand this line of thinking. If you have what it takes and you bring true value and benefit to the table, you should be more surprised if you do not get exactly what you want.
Another behavior I have witnessed, as it pertains to people being offered to achieve exactly what they want, is the disconnect between what they want (the objective) and the path to get there (the action). This one baffles me as well. People that exhibit this behavior seem to think that a magic genie will snap their fingers and the result will be there.
Here is an example. Let’s say that you want to be internationally known. And a super promoter, that has contacts with TV, Radio and Social Media networks says “I think you should be internationally known. I will put you on every platform I have and within one year, everyone will know your name.” However, you do not want to actually show up and appear anywhere. You just want it to magically happen. This is the disconnect between the objective and the action.
Self sabotage is one of the biggest barriers to success. People literally cannot get out of their own way. Doubt, fear and mistrust is one side of the coin and the disconnect between objectives and action being the other. There are enough barriers to success in life. Why would you be your biggest barrier when that is the one barrier you have the greatest power to remove.
When the opportunity comes your way to get exactly what you want, let me ask you this question…Will it be a tale of success or regret? If you give into just one of the pitfalls, you may live in regret that your biggest opportunity came and you blew it. However, if you can get out of your own way, not let fear, doubt and mistrust flood into an otherwise positive situation and commit to doing what is required to achieve the objective, you have a greater chance of your answer being success. Here is to your success.